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I got my internet connection working at last, and have started up my own wiki, please come along and add something to it! Its starting to grow now, and I need some visitors!!!!

…The reason why dach is not running a server ( home)


Yet another TO DO list.

It is of vital importance to put more pictures of naked feet on the internet. Seriously. My contribution, proudly displaying my toe ring, which I havnt taken off in about 5 years now.

Look! I got a cute elephant on a snowboard, how sweet :)

Mad Wild Heffalump

Wild Heffalump

Soundtrack to your life:
Slipknot - Wait and Bleed

Favourite website:

Muahahahahaha !

Certified Personality Test result.

Links to people I wish were my friends

@Rick Wallace
@Magic Loopy Floating Bean

Links to people I wish were not my friends (just kidding!)

WeirdKerr Just what the hell is on that TV anyway ???

Sometimes I like to paint. If only the world looked like @This

When I get the time, and steal the video camera from my parents again, I plan to make some good @Ambient Video. Here you see the rabbit wheel.

Todays space Weather

Things to buy when i am rich

I must create a page about Longboarding and also my Dach's CSound Project

Some pictures of an @Infrared Baboon

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